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This group includes perennials, annuals and biennials. They are originally from Europe, Asia Minor and North America. The name Erysimum is derived from eryo, to draw, and refers to the plants alleged ability to produce blisters. Two kinds of Erysimum will be described; they are both perennials. E. 'Bowles' Mauve' is a bushy plant that grows up to 30 inches high with a spread of 18 inches or more. The grayish-green leaves of this plant are evergreen and narrowly lance-shaped. In the spring and summer, deep mauve, 4-petaled flowers are produced in rounded, terminal clusters. E. 'Moonlight' grows about 6 inches high with a spread of 8 inches. They have grayish-green, narrowly lance-shaped leaves and small, 4-petaled, pale yellow flowers. These are borne in thick clusters in succession throughout the summer.

Pot Cultivation

These plants are planted in poor, well-drained, gritty soil, in full sun. Erysimum varieties Moonlight and Bowles' Mauve are usually short-lived, so they will need to be propagated often.


Softwood cuttings can be used to increase these plants during the summer. Seeds may also be sown in June in light soil in a cold frame. When the seedlings are an inch high they should be transferred to flats. Keep them shaded until they are established and when they are hardened off, place them outdoors.

E. Perofskianum E. ochroleucum


  • E. Perofskianum;
  • E. asperum;
  • E. ochroleucum;
  • E. rupestre;
  • E. linifolium;
  • E. capitatum;
  • E. 'Bowles' Mauve;
  • E. 'Moonlight'. 

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